Thursday, 11 December 2014

4c twa hairstyle

You can create a hair style with a flower headband to make a TWA look more cute. I got this headband on eBay. Since my big chop it has been difficult to deal with the perception of beauty that forms us and our views in society. The media really influences our views in mainstream media natural Afro hair is not represented. Even when it is represented it focuses on the curly textures you never see products marketed towards 4c hair. This is why it's important to me to represent 4c naturals in a positive light on a online platforms though YouTube and blogging. I believe that we haven't moved forward until we no longer need special platforms for black beauty when we are included in mainstream media. When u can go in a shop and just pick up a magazine and see a multi cultural outlook including everyone. There should be no need for black magazines and that is a future to move towards. A mainstream media that includes black beauty.

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