this is how my relaxed journey started in 2010, with broken of relaxed hair i had stared relaxing at age 12 but at age 16 -17 it got to its worst point and all broke off as you can see in the photo below.
then desperately i searched everywhere for how to grow my hair back and found sites like hairlista that helped me to learn about hair care deep conditioning, stretching relaxers i fell in love with oils and retaining length. from the pictures below you can see the result of this practice.
there was no doubt my hair was growing longer using these technics and i was kinda happy with the result but expected more growth in the time span of 3- 4 years. my hair is longer but it still breaks and is thin no matter what i try or how well i take care of it.
photo of may relaxed texture close up shoot
last year at the youtube event i met peeks from the mo am network i has always followed her natural journey and seeing her hair in person made me love her hair even more. i was kind of inspired but was a bit scared of starting all over as you can see from the photos it took me so long to grow it to shoulder length i didn't just want to go natural just like that and take another 4 years. so i forgot about that idea and put it in the back of my mind.
now my hair today always doing braid out and twist outs try to create the natural look because i was to scared to start over again but now im brave enough to go natural. i've always said that one day i'd go natural and that day came quicker than i thought it would happen. So follow me on my journey.
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