Wednesday 26 November 2014

Saturday 22 November 2014

Big chop hair at 8 months post relaxer

Hello everyone so I have big chopped my hair after eight months of transitioning my hair from relaxed I did a big chop because my ends were very thin. I'm so excited to start my new natural hair growth journey. And with a fresh start my hair is much healthier and thicker.

Sunday 2 November 2014

7 months post relaxer 4c hair


its getting harder to take care of at 7 months post im thinking of doing a big chop on 21st feb 2015. that's when i will be 11 months post! im so excited to be nearly natural im not ready to cut now becaus its so short i want to cut when i have enough hair to atleast put into a maller puff.

i told my mum i was going naturall showed her my new growth and she said "your hair is so corse like your dad's hair never will grow you hair needs a texturizer!" she said.
and i was shocked that she felt i needed to have a chemical in my hair because it is "4c natural hair" .

what are your thoughts?

It's getting harder to style