Friday, 25 July 2014

4 months post relaxer transitioning hair 4c

 being 4 month post is un belivably easy because i am used to streching 3-4 months detangling is simple. usually at this point i would be ready to put a relaxer in. however this time around because im in a natural mind set it doesnt really seem like that much new growth. my roots are poofy but i cant wait until the natural hair over takes the relaxed ends. from looking at hair texture you can see that my hair looks like 4c so i do belive this is my hair type. although i have read that the first 4-5 month could be scab hair. scab hair is the new growth damaged under the scalp from years of relaxing it creates a protective layer and this is scab har.

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Transitioning beach hairstyle

Beach hairstyle I did a simple loose banto. Knot out on dry hair and wore this style I'm nearly 4 month post relaxer 

Monday, 7 July 2014

Losing fat

Been trying to lose belly fat so far using the blogalites workouts. Trying to cut down on bad carbs and. Exercise 1h 

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

my transition to natural hair style braid and curl look

i tried out a new curly style on my transitioning hair i am 3 months post relaxer. i started on freshly washed and deep conditioned hair then braided my hair and added a perm rod to the the end of my braid. i left it over night to air dry then i unbraided my hair.