Tuesday, 29 April 2014

my transitioning managing hair so far 1 month post

so far i have a 1inch of new growth and I'm 1 month post i have inch due to the inversion method. so far i'm experiencing breakage. i wasn't expecting this so soon into my transition and also i've stretched my relaxers for 3 months before without breakage so this shouldn't be happening after a month. so right now as i type I'm giving my hair a protein conditioner because my hair felt to soft and i think i have over moisturised it with the change of products. i've gone from one extreme to another the whole reason i change my products was because i was suffering from protein overload and now i have the opposite. balancing protein and moisture is hard.

at the moment i have been researching everywhere how to manage new growth and the line of demarcation when transitioning. i've found many helpful methods.
today I'm documenting what worked for me i'll upload photos later.

so i pre poo for 4 hours with a plastic cap with lots of oil the oil i used was castor oils and almond oil this really helped to soften the corse hair and allow me to detangle.

detangling i sectioned my hair into 4 and sectioned those into 2 each so i had 8 and i detangled with a wide tooth comb from tip to root when the comb got stuck i stopped and detangled with my fingers then went though with the comb after.  then braided the sections to keep detangled in 4 sections.

shampooing i used a watered down sulcate free shampoo and used a applicator bottle to apply to scalp and massaged in to let it lather up. then i rinsed out shampoo with braids in i only shampooed once.

then i took down each braid and saturated it with the protein conditioner root to tips and placed in a shower cap over night.

then in morning washed out and applied moisturising conditioner and sat under dryer for 30 mins and rinse out.